Rocky Semeraro


SOLID. That’s a word that gets thrown around in drumming circles now and then, more often without the truest consideration of what it really means. Rocco Semeraro, drummer of the all-brother hard rock outfit BISHOP, encompasses the full meaning of that adjective with his own unique style of drumming that involves influences of old, flavors of the new, and grooves for the masses. 

Rocky has been playing drums since 1988 and has never looked back. A true musician of the road, he always wows audiences in cities and towns big and small when he is touring with the mighty BISHOP. 24 years, 8 plus albums and thousands of miles later, his force and talent continues to grow. 

Rocco has been described as “hard hitting, pounding, and one f-%&ing hell of a drummer!” by at least one crazy moshing degenerate fan from middle of nowhere USA. But that statement sums Rocco up. He is a drummer of the people, never compromising himself or his talent for quick fame or cheesy fortunes. He goes from playing major stages one night, to a tiny corner bar the next – and it doesn’t matter – he plays his heart out to all of the fans. 

BISHOP will be releasing its newest full-length album, "Hate Wide Open". Rocky also also joined Mordwolf in January 2012, and is featured on their first EP, "Release The Beast". 

Spaun Setup: 
White Honeycomb Wrap
Red Hardware
10" Tom 
12" Tom
14" Floor Tom
16" Floor Tom
14" Black Nickel Snare
20x22" Kick

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Rocky Semeraro_Bishop

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SOLID. That’s a word that gets thrown around in drumming circles now and then, more often without the truest consideration of what it really means. Rocco Semeraro, drummer of the all-brother hard rock outfit BISHOP, encompasses the full meaning of that adjective with his own unique style of drumming that involves influences of old, flavors of the new, and grooves for the masses. 

Rocky has been playing drums since 1988 and has never looked back. A true musician of the road, he always wows audiences in cities and towns big and small when he is touring with the mighty BISHOP. 24 years, 8 plus albums and thousands of miles later, his force and talent continues to grow. 

Rocco has been described as “hard hitting, pounding, and one f-%&ing hell of a drummer!” by at least one crazy moshing degenerate fan from middle of nowhere USA. But that statement sums Rocco up. He is a drummer of the people, never compromising himself or his talent for quick fame or cheesy fortunes. He goes from playing major stages one night, to a tiny corner bar the next – and it doesn’t matter – he plays his heart out to all of the fans. 

BISHOP will be releasing its newest full-length album, "Hate Wide Open". Rocky also also joined Mordwolf in January 2012, and is featured on their first EP, "Release The Beast". 

Spaun Setup: 
White Honeycomb Wrap
Red Hardware
10" Tom 
12" Tom
14" Floor Tom
16" Floor Tom
14" Black Nickel Snare
20x22" Kick

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